Monday, June 15, 2009

Bing - Can it give a bang to google?

Microsoft launched Bing about two weeks ago . The early results are impressive.

Microsoft increased its average daily penetration among U.S. searchers from 13.8 percent during May 26-30 to 15.5 percent during June 2-6, according to comScore. The research firm concluded this is an indication that the search engine is reaching more people than before. Microsoft's share of search-result pages in the U.S., a proxy for overall search intensity, increased from 9.1 percent to 11.1 percent during the same time frame.

Meanwhile, StatCounter is reporting that Bing has overtaken Yahoo to secure the number-two spot in the search market. StatCounter said Bing grabbed market share from Google. StatCounter's analysis reveals that in the U.S., Bing leapfrogged Yahoo to take second place with 16.28 percent. Yahoo had 10.22 percent. Google still dominates the U.S. search market with 71.47 percent.

Google will take a competitor like Microsoft very seriously because they have the capacity to invest millions of dollars into search.

Yahoo needs to continue developing its product and make sure it's competitive. Otherwise, Yahoo could wake up and find themselves in third place at some point in the next 12 to 18 months .

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